World History Syllabus


Early College


340 Victoria Road, Asheville, NC 28801

(828) 232-4123 / Fax (828) 232-4165

Honors World History

Instructor: Mr. Callaway


Course Description

This course is an exploratory examination of history from the early civilization through the modern era. Along the way we will uncover information about the Greeks, Romans, Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, World Wars and many other time periods in history. You will develop a greater understanding of the global processes and contact, including interactions over time. The course highlights the nature of changes in international frameworks and their causes and consequences, as well as comparisons among major societies.


History Alive – World Connections

Primary and Secondary sources


Spiral Notebook


Student Learning Outcomes

· To use a thematic system to understand the creation and development of societies/civilizations/nations over time.

· Analyze ancient civilizations and empires in terms of their development, growth, and lasting impact.

· Understand how conflict and innovation influenced political, religious, economic, and social changes in civilizations.

· Analyze the political, economic, social, and cultural factors that lead to the development of the first age of global interaction.

· Analyze global interdependence and shifts in power in terms of political, economic, social, and environmental changes and conflicts since the last half of the 20th century.

Grading Policy

In this course, you will complete formative and summative assessments to monitor and evaluate student progress. Formative assessments provide information to students and teachers about progress and learning targets.

Summative assignments and assessments are evaluations of learning. Summative assessments provide a measurement of student mastery and learning of course content. All assignments are expected to be turned in on time. In this class you will receive a College Readiness grade. This grade is earned by completing assignments completely and on time.

Listed summative assignments and assessments:

· Unit Quizzes (100x2 pts.)

· Unit Projects (100x2 pts.)

· Classwork/Homework (100 pts.)

· College readiness (10, 5, 0 pts.)

· Final exam (25%)

Grading scale:

90 – 100: A

80 – 89: B

70 – 79: C

60 – 69: D

0 – 59: F

Attendance Policy

Students are only allowed seven (7) absences per each semester. To be counted present in a class, the student must be in class for 2/3 of the class period. Students are responsible for making up any days past the allotted 5 absences per semester. For information about excused and unexcused absences, refer to the student handbook.

Make-up Policy

After any absence, it will be the student’s responsibility to check with his/her teacher outside of class time for work missed and to schedule a time to make up all work including tests. All assignments are posted in Canvas.

Students have five days after an absence to turn in missed assignments. For more information on attendance make-up if absent for more than seen (7) days, refer to the student handbook.

Classroom Expectations

BCEC follows Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports guidelines:

Be Respectful to the teacher and each other

Be Responsible for yourself

Be Ready to read, write, think, and talk everyday

Students are expected to be prepared and ready to participate in class activities, contributing to a positive class and school climate by respecting self, staff, and classmates.

Academic honesty: Any written work you turn in must be your own. Any time you use another person’s words or ideas you must give proper credit to that person by citing their work. If you do not know how to cite another person’s work or are not sure when it is necessary to do so, please ask me. I assume that each of you are honest, and I will not be looking over your shoulders, but any violation of this code will be dealt with harshly.