Sherry Peek

ME and my students at NLC 2023

                                    Family Consumer Science

Welcome to Family Consumer Science, "The Science of Living". Everyday we look at the way we live and how we can make our lives better. Nutrition and Wellness, Personal Finance and Hospitality, Exploring Childcare and Apparel and Interior Design are all parts of our curriculum. We also spend a good part looking at careers in these pathways and help students find areas of future interest.

FCCLA- Family Career and Community Leaders of America is our Career and Technical Student Organization. This is a National Student Organization led by our students.  If you are in a FCS class you are an affiliated member and can take part in projects and community service activities. Students are able to compete at State Leadership using the data from their projects. FCCLA is a great way for students to get involved in helping their school and community.

I love enriching the lives of my students with my curriculum. I am a native of Western North Carolina and graduated from Mars Hill College in 1989 . My 30+year teaching path has taken me from high school to middle school then college and right back to middle school. North Buncombe is home to me and my family and I am honored to be on staff at NBMS.