One School, One Book

We are proud to present the EIS 2023-2024 One School, One Book reading selection as Slacker by Gordon Korman. This website presents a variety of resources to help you along as you read the book, and to further areas of interest on topics addressed in the book.  The importance of literacy on academic success cannot be overstated, and reading for enjoyment is reading with major benefits. (Side effects may include laughter, family bonding, excellent conversations and engagement, and increased vocabulary and writing skills).- Not too shabby.  So- what are you waiting for?  Grab that book!  We will let you know where we are, so we can all stay together!  💙✈️📚


Your child will receive a book to read.  We will be reading it in all classes, but you can also read it together at home!  We highly encourage you to read it together.  Your child will be give a bookmark which tells them which chapters we will be reading and when, so it is super easy to know what we are covering.  We hope that you make it a family event as well.  The celebration of reading is one that we hope is shared at school and at home. 📚🎉


Below are some resources to help you make this experience even RICHER for your child and your family.  ENJOY!