Welcome to GAES Counseling Program!

Mrs. Fesiuk

Hi! My name is Mrs. Fesiuk and I am the full-time school counselor at Glen Arden Elementary School. I have been with GAES since 2020. I have been a licensed clinical mental health counselor (LMCHC) in North Carolina since 2014, and now serve as a school counselor. I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with my Bachelor's degree and from Regent University with a graduate degree in Community Counseling. I am also a product of Buncombe County Schools!

I am so excited to begin a new year at GAES. My role as school counselor is to support your child's academic, emotional, and social needs through the classroom setting, collaboration with teachers, administration, and parents, structured groups, and 1:1 counseling. For more information about what a school counselor does, check out American School Counselor Association's "The Role of a School Counselor" at https://www.schoolcounselor.org/getmedia/ee8b2e1b-d021-4575-982c-c84402cb2cd2/Role-Statement.pdf.

GAES students may access me, or other support staff, during SEL classes, through faculty/staff, parents, community stakeholders, or on an individual basis. It is my hope to know every student at GAES. I also work with part-time GAES' school counselor, Ms. Shelly Burlew, and GAES school social worker, Mr. Max Murray.

The Mission of GAES' Counseling Program:

At GAES, our counseling program's mission is to provide a school counseling program that supports and empowers all students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. We also believe:

  • Every student has value and is equipped with unique gifts and strengths

  • Every student can achieve academic, career, and social/emotional success

  • Every student should have access to a school counselor who supports and advocates for him/her

  • Every student's needs (whether it be ethnic, cultural, racial, socioeconomic, gender differences, developmental, and/or exceptional) should be considered in the development of the school counseling program

  • The school counselor will adhere to the American School Counselor Association's ethical and professional standards (https://www.schoolcounselor.org/getmedia/44f30280-ffe8-4b41-9ad8-f15909c3d164/EthicalStandards

Our hope is that our students will become emotionally and socially healthy, successful, responsible citizens in our global society.


It is imperative for every GAES student to feel safe to speak openly with their school counselor. Due to everyone in the North Carolina being a mandated reporter, we will maintain confidentiality within the context of counseling with the exception of:

  • Intent to harm self or others

  • Suspected abuse or neglect of a child

  • Court order