Mrs. Yopp

Mrs. Yopp

Hello families! My name is Tera Yopp and I am the AIG (Academically and Intellectually Gifted) Specialist for Weaverville Elementary and North Buncombe Elementary. I was born and raised in Weaverville, NC and now am proud to be raising my own family here. I graduated from North Buncombe High School then attended UNC-Asheville where I received my B.A. in Psychology with my K-6 Licensure. Later on, I added AIG to my licensure through Western Carolina University. 

My goal throughout the year is to challenge students to think outside of the box. I always want them to be open to try new ideas and to know that it is okay to fail, what is important is how we respond to our failures. We also focus on students really understanding how their brain works and how we each learn in different ways. 

Since I see students in 1st - 4th grades, I use two different Learning Management Systems. For first and second grade, I use SeeSaw. For third and fourth grade students, they will each have their own Google classroom. As always, I am excited and very thankful to be working with your student this year.