Art Teacher

Horsing around in the fall, getting ready for Halloween with our favorite horse, Stoli.

  • Welcome to Mrs. Garden's art class! I have been teaching art for over 20 years. After having the unique opportunity of teaching all grade levels, I have landed in what is my most favorite place of all in working with 5th and 6th grade students at North Windy Ridge!

  • I grew up in Florida and graduated from UGA before moving to the mountains.

  • Our family lives in Weaverville. Both of our kids came through the NB district and we treasure our community!

  • We are outdoor people and love boating, biking, running, gardening, and camping. We also adore our pets, Bandit and Bindi our dogs, Pippin our cat, and way, way too many chickens and ducks!

Visual Arts at North Windy Ridge

Grades 5th and 6th

The Art program at NWR is aligned with both the National Standards for Art Education and the NC Essential Standards. Both grades are taught through Disciplined Based Art Education including the four major concepts:

Art History

Art Production


Art Criticism

All of 5th grade will have art as one of their 5 exploratory rotations. Art class is 7 weeks long with 1 hour classes. 6th grade students not signed up for other options like band will also have exploratory rotations. During class, our goals with the Art program are to help students develop intuition, sensitivity, reasoning skills, imagination, and dexterity. Art classes at NWR help the student perceive and think in new ways and learn problem recognition, problem-solving solutions, and confidence in creativity. Communicating effectively, learning to adapt and respect other people's opinions, making creative decisions for new situations, and teamwork with the collaboration of ideas are all part of the experience in our Art class.

Visual Arts are imperative for building bridges between verbal and non-verbal skills and logical and emotional development. We are fortunate to have such a solidly supported program here at NWR. Please feel free to call or email, with any questions. We can also always use additional supplies, please see below for a copy of the Art Materials wish list.

ART CLASS wish list for North Windy Ridge Intermediate school

zip lock bags (1 GALLON PRESS TOGETHER CLOSURE, no zipper best)

Art paints, specialty colors

indoor plants (artificial or live)

Tupperware containers (with lids)

decorative papers of any kind

newspaper/appropriate magazines

sewing needles (ALL TYPES AND STYLES)

Brown paper grocery bags

black sharpie markers (fine and very fine)

any sharpie color markers

gel pens, paint pens, specialty markers

BRIGHT color yarn, string, ribbon

Aluminum foil

old ironing board AND iron, (can be rusty and smudged, won’t affect projects)

handheld mixer

paintbrushes (all sizes)

flour (any kind - for paper mache)

Elmer’s glue

Random collections of items that could be upcycled

*Gift cards for Walmart, Michaels, Highwater clay, or Blick Art Supplies

Essential Standards Links

NC Essential Standards Visual Arts 5-8

NC Essential Standards

Art from around the World

Art classes at North Windy Ridge include art history, global connections, and technology throughout the year.

The NC State Standards for Arts Education, K-12, are implemented throughout the school year. The Arts Education Essential Standards are aligned with 21st Century Skills, global learning, and the new Common Core/Essential Standards in other subject areas.


Use your laptop to create cool art online. Be sure to send me a copy, link or snippet of your creation with your first and last name and homeroom teacher for our gallery!

Tate Kids

British based art games, creating and tutorials. Interactive facility to create your own street art. It also includes a number of other artistic games, with added art history education along the way, and the ability to create your own gallery choosing favorite works from the Tate collection, or allowing children to upload their own work to share with the world.

Culture Street Comic

Comic strip template and designing

Culture Street General Art

Create a simple scribble, and then sit back and watch it ‘develop’ further – it’s quite entertaining to see what’s created from your original scribble.


An online facility for creating Word Art in the form of word clouds.


A more advanced drawing and composition tool

How to Draw Tutorials - basic

Simple step by steps instructional

Google Cultural Institute

Google Cultural Institute. Discover exhibits and collections from museums and archives all around the world. Explore cultural treasures in extraordinary detail, from hidden gems to masterpieces.
