Procedure for AIG Placement

Procedures for AIG Placement

A student must be nominated for AIG evaluation by parent, teacher, or himself/herself. Nominations must be received in writing via a Nomination for Gifted Services Form. Nomination forms may be obtained from the AIG Specialist at each child's designated school.

Once the AIG Specialist receives a completed nomination form, he/she must obtain permission to evaluate a student. The parent or guardian must sign the Permission to Evaluate consent form giving the AIG Specialist the right to review the student's cumulative folder and administer any required tests.

The AIG Specialist collects all available information about the student's classroom grades, EOG (achievement) scores, and IQ (aptitude) scores. If necessary, the AIG Specialist administers standardized achievement or aptitude tests to the student.

The AIG Specialist attempts to gather a comprehensive snapshot of the nominated student's abilities, strengths, and unique learning needs. AIG Specialist presents the gathered documentation to the Academically Intellectually Gifted Identification Team (AIGIT). The AIGIT consists of a school administrator or designee, the AIG Specialist, and two classroom teachers who are licensed or endorsed in gifted education. The AIGIT reviews all data collected and recommends appropriate action related to the student's demonstrated need for differentiation.

The school-based AIG Specialist notifies the parents/guardians of the decision and student's testing results within 50 school days of the parent's signature on the Permission to Evaluate document.