Kimberly Moyers

Mrs. Moyers, enjoying the lake, one of her favorite pastimes.

7th Grade ELA

Welcome to middle school and seventh grade! I look forward to meeting and teaching you!

I began teaching in 1993 and took a ten-year break to raise my children.  Since 2012, I have taught seventh grade ELA and on occasion, social studies, at North Buncombe Middle School.  Prior to 2012, I taught ELA in Johnson City and worked as an assistant at North Buncombe Elementary. 

I attended the same public school system K-12 in Washington County, Virginia. I graduated from the University of Virginia in 1993 with an English degree and a Master of Teaching.  

I teach because I want to pass along my love of reading, writing, and learning to students. Teaching also allows me to impact the future positively.