Kelli Miller

  • Mrs. Miller (she/her/hers)

  • Native to San Diego, California, Mrs. Miller recieved her B.A. in Sociology as well as Masters in Special Education from California State University Fullerton. In 2014 Mrs. Miller moved to Asheville NC with her family where she recieved her teaching degree in ESL.

  • In her spare time, Mrs. Miller loves Paddle Boarding, hiking, and mountain biking with her family, cooking with her daughter and going to skate parks with her son.

  • Mrs. Miller comes from a long line of teachers and social workers. She has always had a passion for supporting youth from diverse backgrounds. As a young college student Mrs. Miller started a nonprofit community center for urban youth. During her ten years running the community center her passion for supporting the social emotional as well as academic needs of diverse youth grew. She new that it was time to transition into teaching and supporting English to English Language Learners.