About First Grade

First grade is a year of incredible growth and change! Students are familiar with the routines and expectations of school and are ready for the academic endeavors of first grade.

In English Language Arts, we will...

  • continue to build our phonemic awareness skills

  • deepen our knowledge of sounds and the various ways they come together to make words

  • work on fluently reading text and text comprehension skills using our firmer understanding of the sound-symbol relationship

  • continue practicing and refining our handwriting and work on expanding our knowledge of graphemes (the written representation of sound) to write sentences of increasing length and complexity

  • Our district adopted ELA curriculum is Wit & Wisdom.

  • Our adopted phonics curriculum is Fundations and Geodes.

In math, we will...

  • extend our knowledge of the counting sequence, working to 120

  • develop strategies for fluently adding and subtracting within 20

  • dive into place value with a focus on thinking of numbers in terms of tens and ones

  • deepen our understanding of shapes and their attributes

  • continue our kindergarten work of representing and interpreting data

  • Our mathematical practice will focus on reasoning abstractly and quantitatively, thinking critically about our answers as well as others', strategically using appropriate math tools for a given problem, and developing flexibility in thinking.

  • Our district adopted math curriculum is Investigations.

Science & Social Studies

  • Our work in science and social studies will focus on understanding and exploring the world around us. We will investigate rocks, communities, ecosystems, earth systems, force and motion, and so much more!