Jolie Kaiser

picture of Mrs. Kaiser out hiking at Wildcat Mountain

Picture of Mrs. Kaiser out hiking at Wildcat Mountain

I have been an educator since 2001 and I've been teaching Project Lead the Way at Nesbitt Discovery Academy since 2016. I graduated from University of Michigan in 2001 with a degree in Elementary Education. In my free time I enjoy hiking, camping, gardening and traveling. Teaching and working with young people brings me joy and my favorite sound in the classroom is "ah hah, I get it now..."

I currently teach 4 different Project Lead the Way classes: Environmental Sustainability, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Engineering Design and Development, and Principles of Biomedical Science. For all courses we will use Canvas to access work and submit assignments. The only supplies you will need for either class is an Engineering/Lab notebook. This should be a quad ruled, fully bound (not spiral or binder), composition notebook. I am always happy to take donations of tissue boxes, hand sanitizer, or dry erase markers