Math 1 Overview

Welcome to Math I (formerly known as Algebra). However, it isn't just a name change! We used to teach just the Algebra strand of mathematics. Now, we address all areas of math in this class.

This is a HIGH SCHOOL class. Therefore, we abide by high school regulations for attendance and exams. All Math I students will receive a brochure explaining the difference in this high school class vs. a regular middle school math class. Or, click here on BROCHURE.

There will be homework Monday-Thursday for this class. Each night students will need to complete the next day's Do It problems to be prepared for class discussions. There may also be additional homework assigned for the standard we are learning to provide students extra practice.

For 8th grade math or Math I you will need at least a 1 inch binder. In the binder you will need a pencil pouch where you can keep pencils and highlighters. You will also need 5 dividers in this binder. Labels: Math, Science, Social Studies, Disc 1, and Disc 2. You should also keep loose regular paper and graph paper in this binder. Finally, you need a spiral notebook with at least 150 pages and at least 3 sections (you can have more of either one).

Our assessments are a maximum of eight questions per standard. Therefore, we utilize the following grading system: