8.H.1 Understand the role of conflict and cooperation in the development of North Carolina and the nation.

8.H.1.1 Explain the causes and effects of conflict in North Carolina and the nation.

8.H.1.2 Summarize how debate, negotiation, compromise, and cooperation have been used in the history of North Carolina and the nation.

8.H.1.3 Explain how slavery, segregation, voter suppression, reconcentration, and other discriminatory practices have been used to suppress and exploit certain groups within North Carolina and the nation over time.

8.H.1.4 Explain how recovery, resistance, and resilience to inequities, injustices, discrimination, prejudice, and bias have shaped the history of North Carolina and the nation.

8.H.2 Understand how innovation and change have impacted the development of North Carolina and the nation.

8.H.2.1 Explain how innovation and technology have contributed to change in North Carolina and the nation.

8.H.2.2 Explain the influences of individuals and groups during times of innovation and change in North Carolina and the nation.

8.H.2.3 Explain how the experiences and achievements of women, minorities, indigenous, and marginalized groups have contributed to the development of North Carolina and the nation over time.


8.G.1 Understand geographic factors that influence the development of North Carolina and the nation.

8.G.1.1 Summarize the human and physical characteristics of North Carolina and the nation.

8.G.1.2 Explain how location, resources, and human geography have influenced the development of North Carolina and the nation.

8.G.1.3 Explain how location and human geography have presented opportunities and challenges for the movement of people, goods, and ideas in North Carolina and the nation.

8.G.1.4 Explain the reasons for and effects of forced and voluntary migration on various groups in North Carolina and the nation.

8.G1.5 Explain how geographic expansion has impacted the development of North Carolina and the nation.


8.C&G.1 Understand how democratic principles have influenced the government structure and policies of North Carolina and the nation.

8.C&G.1.1 Summarize the democratic ideals outlined in the founding documents of the state and national government.

8.C&G.1.2 Compare how decisions of state and local government conform and conflict with the democratic ideals of the nation.

8.C&G.1.3 Critique the policies, laws, and government structures of North Carolina and the nation in terms of conforming to or conflicting with American democratic ideals.

8.C&G.1.4 Compare different perspectives on the role of state, national, and tribal governments.

8.C&G.1.5 Compare access to democratic rights and freedoms of various indigenous, religious, racial, gender, ability and identity groups in North Carolina and the nation.

8.C&G.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of societal reforms.

8.C&G.2.1 Summarize the strategies and societal reforms used to address discrimination and oppression in North Carolina and the nation.

8.C&G.2.2 Assess the effectiveness of reforms in terms of the impact on individuals, policies, and institutions in North Carolina and the nation.


8.E.1 Understand the economic development of North Carolina and the nation.

8.E.1.1 Explain how economic growth and decline have positively and negatively impacted individuals, groups, communities, and businesses in North Carolina and the nation.

8.E.1.2 Explain how industry and trade impact the economy and people of North Carolina and the nation.

8.E.1.3 Distinguish the role women, indigenous groups, and racial minorities have played in contributing to the economic prosperity of North Carolina in terms of equity, equality, and mobility.

8.E.1.4 Exemplify ways personal financial decision making influences the economy.


8.B.1 Analyze the impact of group behavior on the development of North Carolina and the nation.

8.B.1.1 Determine how the relationship between different regional, social, ethnic, and racial groups have contributed to the development of North Carolina and the nation.

8.B.1.2 Explain how cultural values, practices and the interactions of various indigenous, religious, and racial groups have influenced the development of North Carolina and the nation.


I.1.1 Construct a compelling question through a disciplinary lens individually and with peers.

I.1.2 Construct supporting questions based upon disciplinary concepts.

I.1.3 Analyze details, central ideas, and inferences from sources using discipline-specific strategies.

I.1.4 Assess the credibility of primary and secondary sources using the origin, authority, structure, credibility, reliability, and context of the sources to guide the selection.

I.1.5 Identify evidence that draws information from multiple perspectives.

I.1.6 Construct claims and counterclaims using evidence while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both based on multiple sources.

I.1.7 Construct arguments consisting of multiple claims with evidence from sources and attention to disciplinary detail.

I.1.8 Construct responses to supporting and opposing perspectives supported by evidence.

I.1.9 Determine the credibility of disciplinary arguments of peers.

I.1.10 Identify challenges and opportunities created in addressing local, state, tribal, regional, national, and/or global issues.

I.1.11 Use a range of civic approaches to address problems being investigated.