8th Grade- 

High School Transition Info: 2024

Greetings 8th grade parent(s) and guardian(s),

Can you believe we are halfway through our 8th grade year?! It’s that time to start seriously planning for high school. We have high school school tours coming up, registration, parent nights and more. All of our students will register for their base school of Erwin High School. 

That being said, there are also the options of Buncombe County Early College and Nesbitt Discovery Academy that students can apply for. There is a process for applications, and they have a limited number of seats, so not all students are accepted. That's okay though, if you want your student to have one of those schools as an option, please have them apply. All students have received this information through classroom guidance in January.

Lost or confused?

Mrs. Lewit will have an information table at our Erwin Middle Community nights for any families who would like to come and ask questions in person:

Important reminders:

If you want to apply to Buncombe County Early College or Nesbitt Discovery Academy, both schools want to see your grades, and you will need to submit an application (with an essay or video). These applications open Feb 1st, and close March 29th. Please email me or come see me with any questions. We can also set up an appointment to sit down and look at all of this together. 


All information included google slides and dates is available here: http://tinyurl.com/HSinfo24 

Google Classroom CODE: 5crddvb

We look forward to working together to ensure that all 8th grade students have a smooth transition to high school. Please let Mrs. Lewit know if you have any questions!

Contact information:

Eva Lewit: 8th Grade School Counselor


(828) 232-4264

8th Grade- High School Choices 24'
HS Transition - Upcoming Events '24
SPANISH-8th Grade- High School Choices 24' FINAL
Spanish HS Transition - Upcoming Events '24


8th Grade- High School Choices 24' RUSSIAN.pptx


HS Transition - Upcoming Events '24 - RUSSIAN.pptx


8th Grade- High School Choices 24' - Romanian.pptx


HS Transition - Upcoming Events '24 - Romanian.pptx


8th Grade- High School Choices 24' Ukrainian- Eva Lewit.pptx


HS Transition - Upcoming Events '24 Ukrainian - Eva Lewit.pptx
