Benjamin Graham

Ben Graham Classroom


  • AP World History

  • Freshman World History


  • Assistant Men's Soccer Coach

  • Social Justice Club

I am a father, husband, and teacher - and have been teaching history at North Buncombe High School for over 20 years. I currently teach Advanced Placement World History and 9th Grade World History... and I love it so much!

I grew up in Winston-Salem, NC, and attended UNC Greensboro, where I studied History and Education. ( I completed my AP Teaching certification in 2001 and National Board certification in 2007). I live here in Weaverville with my wife Jessica (a counselor here at NBHS), our two sons, and a dog named Maggie.

I first discovered the power of history in my youth, by tracing the influences of my favorite rock bands, and spending weekends exploring the colonial village of Old Salem. At age seventeen, I spent just under three weeks in Europe, and it cemented my passion for all things historical.

I was fortunate enough to start my career here at NBHS, and have loved every minute of it. Constantly surrounded by amazing teachers and inspirational students - I look forward to teaching every day. I believe that I am here to serve my students, and that everything is worthy of our curiosity.

I blog about teaching and learning here.

Introducing Mr