1. Will attendance at this conference qualify for trade days in Buncombe County Schools?

Yes. Each full day you attend will qualify you for 8 hours of trade time.; you will receive an attendance certificate for trade time verification after you complete the EXIT SURVEY each day. Your SCHOOL PRINCIPAL is the "Approver" of trade time; your school secretary can provide you with the form. Remember, you are limited to 40 hours of trade time per school year. You SHOULD NOT upload this certificate to My Learning Plan for credit. For those attending from other districts, you'll need to contact your administrator to verify trade time.

2. Should I use the attendance certificate as a verification upload to My Learning Plan for my CEUs?

NO. Please don't upload your Summer STEAM attendance certificate to MLP. BCS employees should sign up for the conference in MLP and conference attendance will be verified by conference personnel for CEU credit. You will only receive credit for attending a full conference day. No partial credit will be awarded for partial day attendance.

3. What should I bring to the conference?

In order to get the most out of your conference experience, you should bring a charged laptop each day (we will have charging stations for charging during lunch). Make sure to turn it on a couple days ahead of time to run updates. You also might want to layer your clothing. We will have the AC turned on early, but you know how school AC is. #unpredictable

4. What if I have to leave the conference early? Whom should I notify?

Please email your district's Digital Learning Facilitator if you have signed in and you have to leave early.

5. How can I receive up-to-the-minute information about the Summer STEAM conference?

You can join our Remind course (remind.com/join/828steam) to receive current information through text message.