
Classroom Rules and Expectations

Be Prompt:  In your seat when the bell rings; follow directions the first time they are given; take the most direct path; turn in assignments on time

Be Prepared: Charge your laptop EVERY night; have all materials before class starts; go the the restroom between classes

Be Productive: check the smartboard for instructions; read the agenda and due dates; begin your work right away; work the entire time; use your laptop appropriately

Be Polite: No phones or earbuds/airpods during class; be kind to everyone; laptops closed when I am teaching or we are having a discussion; no swearing, teasing, or talking back; bullying will not be tolerated!

Be Patient: Wait calmly for your turn; ask permission to get out of your seat; do not interrupt others

Homework Expectations 

Students will be expected to read a text of their choosing at home.  Although I will not be requiring students to fill out a reading log, I will be tracking their progress during our SSR time in class on Fridays.  Each student will set a personal reading goal and we will occasionally have classwork that is connected to their independent reading book.  They may bring a book from home, check out a book from the school’s media center, or borrow a book from my classroom library.    

The best way to encourage your student to read at home is to simply have a conversation with them about their books.  If you would like more guidance I will be happy to supply you with some suggested questions and conversation starters.