Sales 1 Information and Syllabus

This course teaches students the basic knowledge around the sales profession. Students will explore careers in selling, personal branding, communication skills, customer service, buying behavior, technology, product knowledge, and the selling process. Project-based learning, English language arts, and social studies are reinforced.

Objectives covered:

1.00 employment opportunities, personal branding, and emerging trends,

2.00 nature of selling, customer relationships, and company image

3.00 communication channels and technology,

4.00 product knowledge and features and benefits

5.00 purchasing, buying behaviors, and data.


Atlas King

Welcome to Sales 1.

Welcome to Sales 1. I am so excited to be teaching a new course this semester. Above you will see course description as well as the objectives.

Material Needed for class

a) Laptop -we will use google docs and Canvas for this course.

b) Paper, pen , pencil highlighter

Instructional Activities

Individual and group activities will be listed in the Instructional Activities section. Instructional activities reflect “best practice” as determined by highly qualified and successful teachers. The activities follow a specific sequence that is designed to build understanding of the objective and the specific content.


There are variety of research-based activities that effectively introduce and reinforce vocabulary for any subject. This course provides instructional flexibility to utilize any tool that achieves the intended result which is to understand and recall key terms necessary for further development of this objective. When learning a new vocabulary, it is critical that students know how to spell the word, define it, and obtain a visual clue for context. Sample activities (KIM, Quizlet, Kahoot, or other online vocabulary websites) for working with vocabulary terms are listed in section A of the Instructional Activities for each objective if applicable.


Individual and group activities may be found in the LAPs or may be included as a separate handout following the Additional Resources section. If the activity is from a LAP, it will be labeled accordingly. Rubrics will be included for projects or written reports, lots of research

Activities like Think-Pair-Share may be used multiple times as an instructional strategy but the questions or items for students to think about, discuss, or share with the class will vary with the content.


-25 pts for each day an assignments is late. You will have plenty of time during class to do assignment, you do not have homework unless you are absent. It is to your advantage to submit all assignments.