Alfredo Herrero-Debón

I joined the World Languages Department at TC Roberson High School in 2020. I have master’s degrees in Spanish and in French from the University of Valencia, Spain. I was born and raised in Valencia (Spain) and spent several years in Strasbourg and Toulouse (France).

As a modern language instructor, my goal is to share my passion for languages and to open students’ hearts and minds to other cultures, so that they are aware of the diversity around the world. In my lessons, I include a variety of activities that encourage students to get engaged while using the target language as a tool to communicate, to learn, to evolve as citizens and to build community.

I use Canvas as LMS in my classes. All the information about the courses is posted on this platform: syllabus, materials, slide presentations, assignments, etc. As part of the learning process, new technologies and online activities are also implemented in my classes, so that students are successful and meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Click on your image and select the 3 dot menu to add alt-text to each image. Alt-text should be two or more words briefly describing the image. (ex: "Mrs. Jones and her classroom" or "App State logo")

Edit to add your title & what you teach; give a brief bio of yourself

  • Use phrases that don't become outdated, such as "I have been teaching here since 2018" [not "I have been teaching here for 2 years"--that changes EVERY year & will need updated]

  • Think about what parents would like to know


    • Are you a product of BCS? Or public schools?

    • Where did you go to college?

    • Why do you teach?

    • Add general LMS details-- "I use {Seesaw, Google Classroom, Canvas, etc...}" .


    • DO NOT PUT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS on your site (due to security & robotic trolls).

    • Do not include overly personal details.

    • Do not share your specific LMS login information on your website. Share this information directly with students & families in beginning of year correspondence.

    • Do not change the format, font, or colors of the front page or contact me pages.