Remote Learning at BCSD Overview

Remote Learning at BCSD

On March 27, the District received guidance from the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) on how to move forward with Remote Learning Days. It’s important to remember that remote learning is not homeschooling, nor online school. It’s making the best of a difficult situation that we could not foresee. Moving into the fourth quarter, Ball-Chatham students, grades k-12, will receive continued instruction through remote learning beginning Tuesday, March 31 until April 30.

Each district will define what remote learning looks like in their district. However, ISBE defines remote learning as “learning that happens outside of the traditional classroom because the student and teacher are separated by distance and/or time. It can be real-time or flexibly timed, and it may or may not involve technology.”

In preparation for this, we have developed plans on how to best support instruction and student learning through a variety of methods. We have worked to assure that all students have devices, or access to devices, and in some instances, printed materials for the purpose of remote learning. A Tech Help Desk has been established in the event that a device has a malfunction. The link to that can be found on the tab to the left.

Our Principals have been planning and developing consistent communications for the students and parents specific to days, timelines, and expectations. Grade level work and expectations can be found on the left, under the tab, "Student Remote Learning Platforms."

Please note, we will follow the new ISBE recommendations on grading that are based upon the principle of “no educational harm to any child.” Which simply means that students’ grades should not be negatively impacted during our Remote Learning Days. Students will continue to have the opportunity to demonstrate evidence of proficiency and improve their grades as the semester progresses.