IEP Resources
Ed Benefit Book
The Ed. Benefit book walks you through each page of the IEP with instructions. It should be your go-to book when writing IEPs
Formative instructional tool
ELA Common Core Connectors
These are the Special Education Standards that our district has chosen to focus on that are based on the Common Core (general education) standards.
Math Common Core Connectors
These are the Special Education Standards that our district has chosen to focus on that are based on the Common Core (general education) standards.
Aligned ELA standards
Click here to access ELA standards
A guide of how to break down common core standards to find Learning Intentions, Questions and Prompts, Academic Vocabulary, and Success Criteria.
Aligned math standards
Click here to access math standards
A guide of how to break down common core standards to find Learning Intentions, Questions and Prompts, Academic Vocabulary, and Success Criteria.
Seaco standards
Click here for SEACO Standards
The SEACO gives examples of how to break down standards to meet the needs of each of your students. The goals are not meant to be written verbatim--adapt examples of goals to appropriately match your students ability levels.
IEP Calendar
IEP Calendar
You can fill out this chart to easily share IEP dates with administrators/service providers. Click here to access calendar and make a copy for yourself.
Procedural Safeguards summary
Ask parent if they would like a copy of their Procedural Safeguards/Parent Rights read aloud to them at the beginning of the IEP.
Writing Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Result-oriented, Time-Bound goals (SMART). Don't forget to write 2 ELA goals, 2 Math goals, 1 Writing goal, 1 Social/Emotional goal, 1 Science goal (if they are in the 5th or 8th grade only), and 1 Functional goal (if needed)
Progress Reports
This is a guide on how to fill out progress reports on SIRAS. Progress reports are to be filled out and given to parents quarterly.
KTEA (Academic Triennial Assessment)
These are instructions on how to give the KTEA for the academic assessment portion of a Triennial. The KTEA cannot be administered until an SE-6 has been signed by the parent (the psychologist gives this to the parent and sends an email to the team when it has been signed). When the SE-6 has been signed, all team members have 60 days to complete an assessment to determine continued eligiblity of services. Email the KTEA report to the psychologist.
Example Template of IEP Notes
Here is an EXAMPLE template for the verbiage to be included IEP notes pages in SIRAS. All notes pages must be typed at the meeting and updated for that individual child.
Occupational Therapy Referral
Accessing Spanish Forms in SIRAS and Translating
Uploading hardcopy signature pages to siras
Sending Procedural Safeguards on SIRAS
Simplified Visual of sending signature links
How to send meeting links from SIRAS
SIRAS Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Tips for SIRAS.
You can contact your Program Specialist for SIRAS help or contact Otilia Melgoza De Bravo for technical SIRAS questions. If you feel that it is an error within SIRAS, call SIRAS at: (844) 337-4727
10 steps for developing an iep
Goal Data Sheets
This is an example of data sheets on IEP goals. You can also print a data sheet directly from SIRAS under "Student Info", "Data Collection and Progress", "Data Collection", and "Print Basic Grids"
Impact of disability
SAI Minutes
This slide describes how to calculate Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI) minutes.
Parent IEP Input
This form can be given to parent with the Parent Notice before an IEP. This form will help you when filling out the Present Levels of the IEP and will let you know what concerns the Parent may have before the IEP.