CNHS 2021-22 Winter Dance Information
Winter Dance is Saturday January 22, 2022
8:30 pm to 11:30 pm at Columbus North High School Cafe
The theme of the dance is Space Cowboy!
Date: Saturday January 22, 2022 - 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. - music starts at 8:30p.m.; Location: Columbus North High School
The 2021-22 annual Winter Dance is Saturday January 22nd at Columbus North High School from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. (From 8:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. we will have our sensory sensitive half hour when lights move a little slower and music a little quieter so all high school students can participate.)
This dance is open to all North HS students in good standing and tickets ($10.00 each) will be on sale during lunch and 20 minutes before and after school Tuesday (January 18th) through Friday (January 21st) near the Main Office. Please have a school ID! You may purchase up to two tickets!
All participants must wear a face mask while in the building!
A word on guests….
A guest must be no older than 20 years of age; must never been expelled from high school and in good standing. (Must be high
school age...not middle school or junior high….)
Students are permitted to have only one guest and that guest must meet the guest standards listed below.
Guests must be registered in the Dean's Office by 12:00 p.m. Friday January 21st.
Please remember all guests must have a picture ID and be escorted by the sponsoring North student.
1. Students must be able to produce CNHS student ID at Dance if requested.
2. Your guest must be with you when entering dance or your guest will not be admitted.
3. Any student leaving the dance may only re-enter with the permission of the administrator on duty.
4. All students and guests must leave Columbus North High School within 20 minutes of the end of function. No loitering in parking lots.
Parents/guardians please pick up your student within this time limit.
A few words about dress….The Winter Dance is a semi-formal dance! DRESS UP REQUIRED!
1.Appropriate Clothing: Party dresses, dress shirts and slacks with dress jackets/sweaters and ties preferred.
2.Appropriate Shoes: Dress shoes. Cowboy boots and other shoes are options ONLY IF they are clean and in good repair and blend with the dress up
clothing. Please see below for permitted shoe examples....
3.Inappropriate Clothing for a semi-formal—thus not allowed:
● Jeans, t-shirts, and clothing with advertisements or wording printed on them…
● Clothing that is dirty or in poor repair.