
Your 403b/401a Benefit

As a benefit-eligible BCSC employee, you can elect to have funds deducted from your pay to contribute to a 403b retirement savings account.  Enrollment must be completed by the employee on the Equitable website via the link below. The amount you choose to save is limited only by IRS limits. Beginning in 2022-23, all newly hired certified staff will automatically be enrolled in the pre-tax Equitable 403b at 3% of your contract salary. 

BCSC matches your 403b contributions in a 401a account, doubling your retirement savings, up to the following limits:

You can change your contribution percentage at any time once enrolled via the Equitable website or with the Equitable Advisor assigned to your building. To change your contribution percentage online, log into the Equitable site (via the link below) and select "change contributions-Bartholomew CSC 403(B) Plan (Active)" then click "change contributions".   Please note that any changes must be made before the 25th of each month in order for the change to be reflected on the first check of the following month (Example:  changes made before August 25th will be reflected on the first pay in September but changes made after August 25th will not be reflected until the first pay in October). If you have questions about change effective dates, please contact Amber Warfield in the Payroll Department either via email: warfielda@bcsc.k12.in.us or via phone at 812-376-4213.


Schedule an appointment with an advisor

Plan Highlights

Self-enrollment guide

Self-enrollment link for Certified Staff (select "Individual")

Self-enrollment link for Classified (Support) Staff 

Login to Equitable account

IRS guidance/contribution limits

Participant Fee Disclosure

Annual Plan Notice 23-24