School-Owned Instrument

If you have a financial need, we can help!

The band directors are excited to welcome your child into band!

BCSC maintains a very limited inventory of school-owned instruments that we can offer to 6th-grade families who have a financial need.  We fill applications in the order received as our supply allows, and we will run out of instruments.  Please read carefully to determine if this is the right option for you and your child.

The band directors ask for your commitment at two specific points in this journey because of the timeline we use to start students in band.  If your child were to quit band over the summer, or after the first quarter of school, it will have deprived another child of the opportunity to try band using a school-owned instrument.  Before you continue further, please be sure you and your child are willing to adhere to all of the above requirements.

Remember that before you apply for the school-owned instrument, you will need to register for Summer Band so that you can obtain your Summer Band Registration Code from the confirmation email.