
3 simple strategies to build a growth mindset at home.


Parents play a huge role in influencing children's' mindset at home. It's important to realise that both adults and children have fixed, and growth mindsets and their ratio depend on how each has been raised based on their cultural settings and educational environment etc. A Fixed Mindset gives energy to feelings of powerlessness and learned helplessness. In contrast, a Growth Mindset builds feelings of empowerment and drives motivation and achievement.

This keynote session aims to equip parents with three simple strategies to understand what the Growth Mindset is, why it’s important, and how they can start applying the knowledge, skills and attitude at home effectively

At the end of the highly interactive keynote session, participants will be able to:

• Identify Fixed Mindset statements and Growth Mindset statements.

• Reframe Fixed Mindset statements to Growth Mindset statements.

• Practice process praise to promote effort & challenge children’s’ Fixed Mindset.

• Apply nonverbal communication strategies to promote positive responses

Profile of Speaker

Hi! I am Hasnah A. Rahman, and I'm affectionately known to my students as Ms Has, I have worked with thousands of teachers, children aged 0 - 12 and their families for more than 22 years. Passionate to empower them with positive habits for life, I am the founder and director of Positive Focus Pte. Ltd. I am known for my enthusiasm, authenticity and positive engagement that stimulate, inspire and empower my learners with positive tools to boost happiness, resilience and well-being through empowering education.