Instructional Framework Supports

Resources, Professional Learning, and Tools for Best Practices

Instructional Framework Rubric Full Version(Updated: June 2020)SPANISH VERSION

Instructional Framework


Instructional Framework Content Addendum Resources

The Instructional Framework Rubric applies broadly to teaching in all content areas and grade levelsIn response to educator feedback, this addendum has been created  with various content experts from the Teaching & Learning Office with feedback from teachers to better acknowledge the variety of content areas our students receive instruction in and includes more details around how the TEACH indicators of our rubric may look in different settings. 

Pre-Observation Form 

(Click image for PDF or click the Word Document)
The classroom teacher and qualified observer document the focus area for the formal observation. In this document are considerations for pre-observation conferences for observations of teaching and learning. The pre-observation conference form will continue to be available in the teacher’s queue in OPMS for electronic entry and sharing with their qualified observer.
IF Evidence_Collection_Form_2020-Fillable.docx

Teacher Observation Evidence Collection and Rating Form

Observers may use this Word, fillable template when aligning evidence they have gathered during an observation of teacher practice with the Instructional Framework Rubric. This template may be used for formal or informal observations of practice. 

Remote Teaching & Learning Companion

This companion has been created to assist educators, school leaders, and those who support and coach instructional staff during remote teaching and learning and is designed to be used alongside the City Schools Instructional Framework Rubric.  The content is intended to give examples of possible teacher and student actions that support effective instruction in the TEACH Indicators of the rubric. 

Observation Guidance

Contained here is general observation guidance as related to the current school year as well as documents to support the observations of non-traditional classroom settings.  These resources act to support observers in classroom observation of teaching and learning using the Instructional Framework Rubric. 
Instructional Framework 3.0- Virtual Instruction- NSQOI alignment.pdf

Instructional Framework Rubric Alignment to NSQ

In preparation for starting the 2020-21 School Year virtually, a cross-walk was completed between City Schools’ Instructional Framework 3.0 and the National Standards for Quality Online Learning (NSQ).  This analysis shows there is clear alignment between our indicators and descriptors and the NSQ standards.  This also provides insight as to where and what supports will be needed to ensure our educators and their supervisors are prepared to effectively utilize this framework no matter the environment in which it takes place.

TEACH Indicator Visual Ratings Form

You may choose to use this resource to visually rate each descriptor within the 7 TEACH Indicators to determine the preponderance of evidence to arrive at your rating.  (Click on the image to link to the form.)

Instructional Framework


Instructional Framework Rubric 3.0-Teacher Training Modules

This asynchronous module series is designed to provide a detailed walk-through of each TEACH Indicators and the descriptor progressions contained within.  It consists of 8 short modules where 7 of the modules each focus on a single TEACH Indicator. It is highly encouraged that participants have a lesson plan from their content/curriculum when engaging in the training. NOTE:  Blackboard sign in is required to join this course..  Select the Instructional Framework icon (shown above) on the  Blackboard PD Dashboard to access the course.  

Exploring the Instructional Framework with Your School

This deep dive will allow qualified observers and teachers to explore the Instructional Framework within their own school and better understand the  intent of each of the seven Teach Indicators pedagogically for both in-person and remote learning.  (Currently, the course is accessible to school leaders and their selected facilitators in Blackboard though PowerSchool or directly through Blackboard access. NOTE:  Users must be logged into  their City Schools Blackboard account gain access.)
If you are a current school leader without  access or you would like to facilitate this at your school, please, contact Tami Evanosky,  

Instructional Framework Course

TBD (on hold) 

Best Practices Tool

Resources for Differentiated Learners

EL eLearning Tip Sheet horizonal 1.pdf

Virtual learning support and resources for EL teachers.

GAL Virtual Learning One Pager.pdf

Virtual learning support and resources for teachers of Gifted and Advanced Learners.

Online Professional Learning Sessions

Click on the title above to go to  link will take you to City Schools' Online Learning Hub, where you will find tons of videos of professional development about virtual teaching and learning technology. 

Some things that you can learn more about in the learning hub include: Jamboard, Google Sites, Google Slides, Google Docs, Zoom, Read&Write Toolbar, PDF Reader, Screencastify, EquatIO FlipGrid, Clever, Digital Citizenship, Nearpod, Peardeck, Prezi, Thinglink 

Tools You Can Use For Instruction and Engagement 

Below are some great online tools and resources to enhance virtual instruction.