Learning Delivery 2020-2021

We are still in the middle of the COVID19 pandemic. Thus, we will continue to provide instruction to our scholars 100 % virtually. As the district provides further guidance, we will update the handbook and communicate new developments to you.

Lakeland’s instructional delivery will reflect a Pod model of 3 components :

  • I Do ( Teacher leads the whole group instruction)

  • We Do ( students work in pods in small groups)

  • You Do ( students work independently)

The Pod Model

Teachers will use the pod model to deliver instruction across all grades except PreK. Each lesson starts with whole group instruction led by a content lead. Afterwards, students go into small group pods ( eg. general education, SPED, ESOL) for further work with on the concept taught, with additional teacher support. Next, students are assigned independent practice work to complete on their own. Finally, they rejoin the whole group setting for a wrap-up to the lesson and to complete a check for understanding, which allows the teachers to ensure students have mastered the expected learning of the day.

Virtual Learning & Communication Platforms

In an effort to provide the best Virtual Learning experience, Lakeland teachers have streamlined the platforms and tools used to meet the needs of our students and parents. Please reference the table to see what platforms your child’s teacher will be using. We are happy to provide support to families with accessing these learning resources, just reach out to us!