Box of Chocolates

Throwing Activity

Directions: as a team, complete each challenge successfully 5 times before moving on to the next challenge. Focus on using proper throwing form (T, L, turn to aim at target, step, throw) for each challenge. At the end of class you will complete the google form quiz.  

Direciones: Como equipo, complete cada desafío con éxito 5 veces antes de pasar al siguiente desafío. Concéntrate en utilizar la forma de lanzamiento adecuada (T, L, girar para apuntar al objetivo, dar un paso, lanzar) para cada desafío. Al final de la clase, completarás el cuestionario de Google Form.

1. Throw over Table

Throw Over Table.mp4

2. Bounce off Table

Bounce off Table n Wall.mp4

3. Bounce off Wall

Bounce off Wall.mp4

4. Bounce off Floor Over Table

Bounce off Floor over Table.mp4

5. Bounce off Table & Wall

Bounce off Table n Wall.mp4

6. Create Your Own Challenge

With your group, create a new challenge and test it out. Each team member should attempt the challenge and any changes made after talking with your group before showing Coach Alonso


Extra Fun Activities to Complete -on-you-own or at-home

Box of Chocolates