Submission of Manuscript

Points to note before submission of manuscript

In order to reduce processing time of the manuscript, it is expected that you go through the below given checklist to ensure that the manuscript is in the expected format and has the required declaration statements.

Also, if English is not your native language or your basic education was in non English medium schools, it is recommended you get your manuscript corrected by an expert in written English before submission of the manuscript. The editorial office will not undertake English language corrections.

Submission of Manuscripts

Authors are instructed to ensure the following instructions have been followed & documents are submitted to the Editorial Office along with the Manuscript via email.

email for submission of manuscript :


Checklist for Authors before submission of manuscript

A. Cover letter to the editor to include :

[ ] Objective ( purpose / what gap in knowledge it addresses)

[ ] State the novelty/relevance of the article (how it contributes to new knowledge / improves practice/health care/ teaching-learning).

[ ] Any special consideration/s about the submission (if any) that authors feel would interest the audience (readers) of the journal .

[ ] Previous reviews on the submission (if any) and whether the reviewer comments received have been addressed .

[ ] Previous submissions of the manuscript to another journal? If yes, justification for submission to BeMJ

[ ] Previous communication with BeMJ staff if any with dates and reply received/ not received .

B. On Manuscript Title Page

[ ] Title of the article.

[ ] Full name, postal address, e-mail of the corresponding author.

[ ] Full name, department, institution, city and country of Principal Investigator/First Author and all co-authors.

[ ] Word count, excluding title page, abstract, references, figures and tables.

C . Format

1. Manuscript Length and Format:

[ ] Abstract submitted in the correct format.

[ ] Manuscript formatted & the length conforms with that specified for each type of article

[ ] Tables and/or figures given appropriate title and cited in text

[ ] References cited and listed

2. Tables:

[ ] Are in editable format.

[ ] They are embedded into the main word document.

[ ] Lengthy tables are given as supplementary files for online publication.

3. Figures:

[ ] Are uploaded separately from the text.

[ ] Are in acceptable (jpeg/PDF) format of sufficient quality.

[ ] Suitable for black and white reproduction

5. References:

[ ] References are written in Reference Style recommended by ICMJE which recommends usage of The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (click here)

[ ] References have been cited in the text.

6. Supplementary files:

[ ] In acceptable format and cited in the main text.

7. Statements & Declarations:

[ ] Author's contribution

[ ] Competing & Conflict of Interest.

[ ] Data Sharing.

[ ] Patient consent.

[ ] IRB / Ethical approval.

8. Acknowledgements:

[ ] Acknowledge all contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship.

[ ] Acknowledged if work was previously presented at a conference/published as a conference abstract.

[ ] Source acknowledgement.

9. Suggest 2-4 Peer Reviewers:

10. Research reporting :

[ ] Appropriate statements for study type

[ ] Explanation if adherence to checklist not required:

Reproducing figures:

[ ] Permission to re-use any previously published material.

What happens after submission of manuscript?