Believers Medical Journal: The Official Journal Of The Believers Church Medical College Hospital

Areas of Focus

The guiding principle given by our Metropolitan was that the journal should not be for science-for science sake alone but also translate to application of science to improve health care of the people; be down-to-earth touching people's lives and living , providing insights to alleviate the suffering of humanity. Hence the areas of focus have been extended beyond the traditional to include the following:

  1. Humanities: Fostering Hope & Healing with Compassion , Value-Building, Professionalism and Ethics

  2. Discipline & Specialty related: Adding new evidence-based knowledge of practical use to the fraternity

  3. From the Mission fields & Community: Sharing of mission experiences ; projects that work , health & developmental interventions,

  4. Students , Learning and Medical Education: Insights from teaching and learning and experiences from the classroom, hospital & the field

  5. Continuing Professional Development and Quality Improvement: fostering improvement in professional practice & health systems

Types of Manuscripts

The broad areas of focus listed above however needs to be translated into the following types of manuscripts:

  1. Editorial and invited articles

  2. Original Research

  3. Review Article

  4. Letters to Editor

  5. Short Communication

  6. "Outside the Box" ideas and Good Practices

More details about the above mentioned types of manuscripts is given elsewhere (click here)

Instructions to prospective Authors

The details about the above stated areas of focus and types of manuscript is detailed separately on another web-page to guide the authors (click here to access this page)

About the Journal

BeMJ - the journal of Believers Church Medical College & Hospital (BCMCH) has been launched with the blessings of His Grace The Most Rev.Dr K.P. Yohannan, Metropolitan of the Believers Eastern Church, to provide a platform for inspiring all of us with the Institution's Vision of "Bringing hope and healing with the love of Christ" so that our creative as well as scholarly work can find a venue for sharing with like minded people and organizations.

Initially, this journal will cater to the scholarship capacity building need of in-house staff , students and faculty wherein they would receive hand-holding and support by their department HoDs and the Research and Medical Education department of BCMCH. These departments will build capacity of those in need from concept of research question to publication.This website is also designed to partner in the capacity building process by devoting specific web-pages for different roles of the stakeholders:

1. Authors ,Potential Authors & their HoD/ mentors, click here for further guidance.

2. Journal Editors-in-Chief & Editorial Board members click here for further guidance.

3. Peer Reviewers, Editorial Board Members & HoD Mentors, click here for further guidance

The Journal Editorial Board members will also function as internal peer reviewers and through their constructive suggestion help the manuscript reach publishable standards. The journal at a later point in the immediate future is expected to graduate to a peer reviewed , free open accessed indexed journal so that the quality of manuscripts that get submitted and published reaches international standards of scholarly work using publication ethics.

The Institution hopes that through this scholarly endeavor of the journal, it will contribute and facilitate the growth of the science and art of healing with missionary zeal guided by the Love of Christ.