Return to Learn 2021-22

At BCLUW, we would like to use this opportunity to communicate an update about our Return to Learn plan as we head into the 2021-22 school year.

At the current time at BCLUW, we expect to continue with fully in-person learning for the 2021-22 school year. However, we are aware that ongoing pandemic guidance or directives from state and local agencies may impact plans. There are three potential options that may be considered during the school year; In-Person Learning, Distance Learning, and a Hybrid Plan of both In-Person and Distance Learning. BCLUW could potentially shift in and out of different plans for a period of time based on requirements / recommendations from the Governor's Office or Public Health due to the pandemic situation in an area (for example, plan could start out as In-Person learning, then shift to Distance Learning or Hybrid Learning for a period of time, and then back to In-Person learning).

We'd like to share some of the main points of our return to school planning, but please note these are subject to modification as we continue to receive ongoing state guidance. Many of the same health and safety measures as considered with Covid-19, may also reduce the spread of other germs / microbes, and result in a healthier school environment as related to other potential illnesses.

#1 In-Person Learning (w/ Mitigation / Safety Measures)

Mitigation / Safety Measures

All health and safety measures at school should first begin with an emphasis that students and staff who are ill should stay home. No one with a fever (temperature of 100.4 or greater) should be at school. Those arriving at school exhibiting symptoms that are common to Covid-19 infection may be denied entry or be isolated as possible, and will be sent home as soon as possible.

Increased Handwashing

Elementary classrooms may take increased breaks to ensure all students are washing their hands more frequently while at school. Students will be instructed in CDC guidance on effective hand washing. Older students will be encouraged to wash their hands frequently, and signage posted throughout the building.

Hand Sanitizer Availability

There will be increased access to hand sanitizer throughout the buildings for students and staff use. Touchless hand sanitizer dispensers will be installed in common areas throughout each building, and hand sanitizer will also be available in all classrooms.

Temperature Taking and Fever

The district has acquired touchless thermometers, and will use them to spot-check students and staff, or for those that may be exhibiting symptoms common to Covid-19. Any students or staff members with a fever (100.4 degrees or greater) will be sent home as soon as possible. An individual must be fever-free without use of fever-reducing medication for at least 24 hours before returning to school.


While BCLUW will continue to provide transportation and increased sanitization of buses, if parents/guardians wish to reduce close contact with other students, they may want to consider having parents or other family members transport their children to/from school.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Face coverings are optional at this time for students, staff, and visitors. Staff and students will be expected to support a respectful, inclusive, and supportive school environment.

Water Fountains

Water fountain use will be allowed, but to reduce the potential spread of germs, it is recommended that students bring their own water bottle to use (labeled with their name) and use the touchless bottle filling option.

Air Quality / Environmental Health

BCLUW has obtained a medical-grade air purifier for every classroom and main building office.

Office / Secretary

Clear dividers / panels will be utilized to help provide more of a barrier at building secretary desks.

Physical Distancing / Spacing

Where practical in the classrooms, students will be separated by a 3-6 foot distance, with preference for the higher distancing. Outdoor classrooms / learning is encouraged when safe and practical for learning objectives. When learning objectives or activities do not require close contact or touching, teachers/staff will seek ways to reduce or eliminate those practices. In common areas such as lunch rooms and playgrounds, staff will seek methods to increase spacing as feasible and schedules that accommodate smaller groups and cohort grouping.

School Supplies

Sharing of school supplies should be limited. Staff and parents should attempt to ensure all students have their own supplies. In some cases in which sharing is necessary, additional effort should be made to frequently sanitize supplies.

School Activities / Sporting Events

        1. Spectators are not to attend if exhibiting any common Covid-19 symptoms or if you have been in close contact with anyone in the past 14 days that was positive for Covid-19.

        2. For outdoor events as feasible, spectators are allowed to bring “camp chairs” or similar personal seating.


If the school district is forced to close by the Governor's proclamation or by a local outbreak/spike of Covid-19 cases in consultation with public health, the district will deploy required distance learning for all students. When possible, distance learning will happen for an established number of days, and that will be communicated to the public and families. Attendance, schoolwork, assessments, and grades will all be required.

Learning Management System

Each building has defined a learning management system to facilitate online learning for students. This may include Google Classroom, Seesaw, or other system adopted. These tools will be used in conjunction with other tools for online learning.

Internet Access

As part of our Return to Learn funding from the federal government, the district will order a limited number of hotspots to allocate for temporary loan to families in need for student use (based upon Federal Free and Reduced guidelines). As part of our Return to Learn funding from the federal government, the district will order a limited number of hotspots to allocate for temporary loan to families in need for student use (based upon Federal Free and Reduced guidelines). The district also plans to share information about other internet accessibility options and providers with families.

Professional Development

BCLUW has surveyed staff on potential professional development needs and will continue to offer training and support as needed throughout the year to ensure staff are ready to support learners in an online environment.

Purchased Tools and Resources

BCLUW continues to identify required online learning resources for staff and students. The district has committed to purchasing ongoing licensing and software to enhance teaching and learning in a virtual environment. We continue to explore additional resources and funding will be allocated to meet the needs of teachers and students.

Ensure Teachers Have Proper Tools/Spaces to Teach Online

Our staff will be allowed to teach online from home or from their classrooms. Staff will be able to access district print resources in the building. They are already allocated a laptop computer for daily use.

Ensure All Students Have Access to a Device

At the start of the school year, the district will have enough computers for all students K-12 (Chromebooks for grades 2-12 and iPads for grades K-1).

Deploying Other Materials

In some cases, print and hard-copy materials will need to be distributed to students. These may be delivered via van/bus routes, through the postal service or via pick-up/drop-off services on school sites.


In the event that partial face to face learning (but not at 100% capacity) is either required or recommended due to level of community spread or further desire to enact greater levels of physical distancing / less exposure to others in the buildings, the district may utilize a hybrid model to serve students. This model will allow for students to receive face to face instruction and engage in distance/online learning. In a hybrid model, approximately half of students will be on-site during any given day, and the other half doing distance learning from home. While we do not anticipate returning to school in a hybrid model, there is the possibility of transitioning to this type of learning model later in the year.

Hybrid Plan; Subject to change based on final student enrollment in the fall