In 1979, BCEC moved into its new building at 249 Harrison Ave. and Pastor Fung became Senior Pastor, as Pastor Tan retired.

Forty years later in 2019, our church is faced with many important decisions. (1) We need to consider whether to sell 249 Harrison Ave. to allow the city to build a new school. (2) We need to think about the future directions of our ministries in Chinatown and in Newton. (3) We need to decide who should be the new Senior Pastor.

In all these decisions that affect our future, we want to be united as a church to pray to the Lord to lead us and guide us.

Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me. (Ps 31:3, NIV)

Common Prayer Items

We thank the Lord for blessing us with 249 Harrison Ave. and for all the ministries that this facility has supported.

We want to discern whether the Lord wants us to sell 249 Harrison Ave. so the city can build a new high school.

If we no longer have 249 Harrison Ave., we want to know what kind of facility does God want us to pursue to accommodate all our present and future ministries in Chinatown.

We seek guidance from the Lord regarding future ministry opportunities to share the love of Christ in Chinatown and in Newton.

We seek God’s choice for the new Senior Pastor to help lead our large and complex church in the future.

We pray that, in this discerning process, we would maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Specific Prayer Items for this Week

We thank the Lord for the 16 town hall meeting that was attended by over 400 members. Valuable information was shared with the members, and valuable feedback was received by the leadership.

Pray that our whole church will be mobilized to pray for the future of our church.

Pray for strength and wisdom for our Expansion Task Force members, Mark Ho, Anthony Lai, Gerard Fong, and Pastor Steven Chin, especially as they act as liaison between the city government and the church.

Pray for the leading of the Holy Spirit for our elders as they consider the offer from the city at their meeting April 4.