Building the barricades together

In the absence of any big donors - you now have the unique chance to become our Soros, our Putin or our Engels! Help us promote a progressive left-wing agenda in these difficult times!

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Help us survive and develop!

As you surely know, times are tough for real journalism. Overwhelming partisanship, blatant propaganda, and a complete lack of analysis prevail. Most of the so-called media of repute, instead of informing their audience or presenting points for further reflection, exploit us emotionally by whipping up fear and demonizing opposition. The only reason the world of journalism has not totally collapsed is because there are alternative outlets. We’re one of them!

The Barricade (Baricada) has no wealthy sponsors and yet we are a successful and ambitious project: We run websites in Bulgarian and Romanian, and in 2018 started an English version as well. This is a place where you can familiarize yourself with the situation in Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet bloc. We’ve already got a lot to offer but there is still so much more we are working on. And this is where you, dear reader, come in.

In the absence of any big donors - you now have the chance to become our Soros, our Putin or our Engels! Help us promote a progressive left-wing agenda in these difficult times!