Abstract Submission

IMPORTANT: submission and presentation of oral communication is limited to one per participant, although a participant may be a co-author of other communications.

You can take part in the DSABNS 2023 with either a contributed talk, a poster presentation, or with attendance only. Please mark your preferred option in the registration form. In case you are selecting "Contributed talk" please bear in mind that the available slots are limited. Depending on the number of received abstracts, we will let you know whether your work could be presented as "Poster" instead. Contributed talks will be allocated 20 minutes each (questions included) while Posters will presentend during a 1 hour session during the "Welcome Cocktail" on Feb. 5, 2023. All abstracts will be included in the Book of Abstracts.

Abstract submission for CONTRIBUTED TALKS (CT) and POSTERS (P): November 7, 2022 (11:59 pm CET).

Notification of acceptance: November 25, 2022.

Your abstract must be prepared with the DSABNS 2023 LaTeX template.

Abstract template is available for download here

and should be sent, not later than October 31, 2022, to


Please name your file CT_YourName_YourSurname_dsabns2023.pdf (for Contributed Talks) and P_YourName_YourSurname_dsabns2023.pdf (for Posters) - e.g., CT_John_Smith_dsabns2023.pdf, P_John_Smith_dsabns2023.pdf.

When sending your abstract file, please make sure to include your file name "CT_YourName_YourSurname_dsabns2023" or "P_YourName_YourSurname_dsabns2023" in the email subject.

Please DO NOT modify the template. For your reference, the PDF of the abstract template is also available in the Conference Drive.

Abstracts must be no more than 2 pages. Please send us both, the .tex and the .pdf files.