Software and App Activies/Info for Summer Bridge & Enrichment
Take the initiative and advance your software knowledge. Browse the lessons and links below.
Take the initiative and advance your software knowledge. Browse the lessons and links below.
Look here for ways to sharpen your skills and enrich your mind!
Look here for ways to sharpen your skills and enrich your mind!
Typing 40 words per minute makes you a more valuable student or employee. Commit the time and become a proficient typist which will benefit you for the rest of your life.
Its time you take learning another language seriously. Dedicate some effort to learn one of 33 languages offered from Install the app on your phone.
Transparent Languages is a great learning tool available through Mass. School Libraries--- All you need to do is create a login to get started. Find it through our school's Digital Library Page for Gale Database
Transparent Languages is a great learning tool available through Mass. School Libraries--- All you need to do is create a login to get started. Find it through our school's Digital Library Page for Gale Database
An eCard is a Boston Public Library card that you can sign up for online and which provides access to all online resources, including OverDrive and Hoopla.
An eCard is a Boston Public Library card that you can sign up for online and which provides access to all online resources, including OverDrive and Hoopla.
eCards are available to anyone who lives, resides part-time to attend school, owns property, or works in Massachusetts.
eCards are available to anyone who lives, resides part-time to attend school, owns property, or works in Massachusetts.
Learn about the different tools that Google Suite has to offer. Master the features and become a more productive digital learner.
Google Applied Digital Skills- DIGITAL TRAINING FOR STUDENTS
Google Applied Digital Skills
Google Applied Digital Skills
This is just some of the training you can do with Google Applied Digital Skills!
This is just some of the training you can do with Google Applied Digital Skills!