Trends in Low-Dimensional Topology

Trends in Low-Dimensional Topology is a broad audience research seminar which aims to understand the scope of modern low-dimensional topology by inviting researchers to answer the question "what do you do." One of our goals is to provide visibility for early career researchers at a broad range of universities.

The seminar will take place on Tuesdays at 12 noon ET; each week will feature two 25 minute talks. For fall 2020 we'll restart on September 15th. Our talks can be found on the calendar, and on our full schedule with title and abstracts.

Another goal of Trends is introducing and developing relationships between folks working in low-dimensional topology. After Trends, participants are given the option to be assigned to small break out rooms for 10 minutes (max) to meet other Trends participants. Rooms are mixed career-stage; this is a good opportunity to get to introduce yourself to some senior people, or learn that there is a graduate student working on a thesis problem you care about. To be assigned to a break out room on October 20, please fill out the form here.

Speakers in this seminar are chosen by application. Please send in applications by September 5th to be considered to speak in the early fall term (there will be a later deadline to speak in later months).

Trends meets at zoom meeting ID 950-9832-0562. The password is the name of the orientable surface with two boundary components and Euler characteristic 0 (no caps, ends with s). The meeting will open at 11:45 EDT. Talks will be recorded and posted in the schedule for anyone who can't attend live.

This seminar is organized by Kristen Hendricks, Miriam Kuzbary, Tye Lidman, Lenny Ng, and Lisa Piccirillo. Please contact us with questions or comments at lowdimensionaltopology at