
Alexa Riobueno-Naylor Defends her Dissertation Proposal

Alexa did an amazing job defending her proposal in front of her dissertation committee! Congratulations!

Aneesa Wermers Presents at Graduate Research Symposium at Boston College

Aneesa Wermers represented our lab at the Graduate Research Symposium here at Boston College! They presented our current findings on our research of the evaluation of science-based video communication.

Dr. Lai Awarded Fellowship by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication & The OpEd Project 

Dr. Lai Comments in Wall Street Journal Article

An article titled "The Pandemic's Terrible Toll on Kids" was recently published in The Wall Street Journal. Dr. Lai provided commentary. Click the screenshot on the left to read the full article.

Dr. Lai Comments in Gizmodo Article

An article titled "'We Can't Just Hope Symptoms Will Go Away': Toll of Hurricanes on Kids" was recently published on Gizmodo. Dr. Lai provided commentary. Click the screenshot on the left to read the full article.

Zoom Lab Meetings

We took a group photo during one of our lab meetings.  We hold our gatherings on Zoom to stay connected during COVID-19.

Dr. Lai Publishes Op-Ed in the Boston Herald

Dr. Lai wrote an op-ed titled "More school counselors needed to boost students' future" that was published in the Boston Herald. Click the screenshot on the left to read the full article.

Dr. Lai Comments in Huffington Post Article

An article titled "When Being Tired Is Actually Depression" was recently published in the Huffington Post. Dr. Lai provided commentary. Click the screenshot on the left to read the full article.

Dr. Lai Comments in New York Times Article

An article titled "Young Adults' Pandemic Mental Health Risks" was recently published in the New York Times. Dr. Lai provided commentary. Click the screenshot on the left to read the full article.

Hurricane Ike Sleep Paper Accepted for Publication 

Our paper entitled “Sleep Problems and Posttraumatic Stress: A Prospective Study of School-Aged Children Following a Natural Disaster (Hurricane Ike)" was accepted for publication in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology. Dr. Lai, Courtney Colgan, and Julia Medzhitova are co-authors. The study used a longitudinal design to assess the nature of sleep problems, and its relationship to PTSS symptoms, in children exposed to Hurricane Ike. Stress, PTSS, and sleep were measured at 8 months and 15 months post-disaster in 269 children, aged 7-11 years old. Study results show that high levels of PTSS symptoms were correlated with greater sleep problems in children post-disaster. In addition, young children and those who indicated sleep issues and PTSS earlier on were found to be at greater risk for experiencing sleep issues months after the hurricane. 

Natural Hazards Center Conference 2020

We attended the 45th Annual Natural Hazards Center Conference, where we presented research at the Research and Applications Workshop and the 2020 Researchers Meeting!  Dr. Lai presented a talk on a panel titled,Hope for the Future: Children, Youth, and Schools," and Barbora Hoskova presented a poster titled, "Supporting Schools in the Disaster Context: How Policies Shape Recovery Resources." Barbora also presented at the Researcher's Meeting: “Learning a Lesson: The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on College Students," shown below.

Colleges and the COVID-19 Crisis: Infographics

As part of our ongoing study, "Colleges and the COVID-19 Crisis", we created infographics to present the preliminary data from our survey. These data shed light on the psychological impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the specific challenges faced by college students, faculty, and advisors. Specifically, we outline college students', faculty, and advisors' respective pandemic-related stressors, mental health symptoms, and current sense of purpose.  

Julia Medzhitova Begins Clinical Internship

Julia Medzhitova, a fifth-year doctoral student and member of the Lai Lab, has recently begun her clinical internship at Mount Sinai Beth Israel, located in New York City.  As part of her internship, Julia is engaging in both trauma-informed research and clinical practice related to psychotherapy. Congratulations, Julia!

CONVERGE COVID-19 Mental Health Working Group

Betty Lai, Kate Guastaferro, and Dan Cooper co-Led a CONVERGE Mental Health and the COVID-19 Crisis working group. Lab members Barbora Hoskova and Courtney Colgan are team members of this working group. Key products of this working group include a Research Agenda-Setting paper, which applies public health principles to studying mental health during the pandemic.

ISTSS 2019

We attended the 35th ISTSS Annual Meeting! There, we presented two posters, and Dr. Lai spoke about her research findings at a symposium entitled Tapping a Valuable Resource: Using Existing Research and Service Data to Advance Our Understanding of Child Posttraumatic Stress.

End of the year get together!

We celebrated the end of the 2018-2019 academic year by getting together with Dr. Goodman's research team for tasty food and good conversation.