Math 855: Low-dimensional topology and the Casson invariant

Fall 2020

Instructor: John Baldwin


Office: Maloney 254

Office Hours: By appointment

Course time: M 2-3 and W 2-3:30

Zoom: Link. Meeting ID: 994 8554 5861. Email me for password.

Problem Session: I'll intersperse exercises throughout the lectures. Gage has generously offered to coordinate a weekly meeting to discuss course material and answer problems posed during class. It will meet on Fridays from 2-3. The Zoom link for the meeting is here. Meeting ID: 944 7811 2933. Same password as for course.

Course Description: This course is an introduction to several concepts of interest in the corner of low-dimensional topology I like to inhabit. We will start with basics of Heegaard splittings, Dehn surgery, 4-manifolds and Kirby calculus, and some knot theory, before moving to what I consider to be the meat of the course: the Rokhlin and Casson invariants, and applications thereof. I envision the latter material as a precursor to and motivation for instanton gauge theory, the subject of a future course. We will be guided to a large extent by Saveliev's beautiful book, "Lectures on the Topology of 3-Manifolds".

Other Resources: For a more comprehensive discussion of the Roklin and Casson invariants and their relationships with Floer homology, I recommend Saveliev's other book, "Invariants for Homology 3-Spheres". Other terrific books on nearby subjects include Gompf and Stipsicz's "4-Manifolds and Kirby Calculus" and Ozbagci and Stipsicz's "Contact 3-Manifolds and Stein Surfaces".

Class videos and notes: