




Algebraic & Geometric Topology, to appear

Mathematical Research Letters, to appear

Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, to appear 

Geometry & Topology, to appear

Journal of the European Mathematical Society, to appear

Journal of the London Mathematical Society 109 (6): (2024)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society 25 (10): 4033–4122 (2023)

Compositio Mathematica 159 (9): 1898-1915 (2023)

Geometry & Topology 26 (5): 2237-2294 (2022) 

Annales Henri Lebesgue 5: 1213-1233 (2022)

The Open Book Series 5 (1): 81-94 (2022)   

Duke Mathematical Journal 174 (4): 885-956 (2022)

Michigan Mathematical Journal 71 (1): 145-175 (2022)

Journal of Topology 14 (4): 1113-1175 (2021) 

Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 53 (3): 871-876 (2021)

Geometry & Topology 25 (3): 1087-1164 (2021)

Mathematical Research Letters 26 (5): 1281-1290 (2019)

Advances in Mathematics 345: 3669-3690 (2019) 

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 371 (6): 3831-3855 (2019)

Journal of Symplectic Geometry 16 (4): 959-1000 (2018)

Geometry & Topology 22: 4307-4380 (2018)

Algebraic & Geometric Topology 18: 3669-3960 (2018)

Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications (Tim Cochran Memorial Volume) 26 (2): 49 pages (2017)

Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 4: 82 pages (2016)

Selecta Mathematica 22 (1): 939-978 (2016)

Journal of Differential Geometry 100 (3): 395-480 (2015)

Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143: 2801-2014 (2015)

Journal of Symplectic Geometry 11 (4): 1-37 (2013)

Mathematische Annalen 357 (2): 441-468 (2013)

Geometry & Topology 17: 925-974 (2013)

Advances in Mathematics 231: 1886-1939 (2012)

Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 21 (08): 65 pages (2012)

Mathematical Research Letters 19 (1): 31-40 (2012)

Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 82: 79-88 (2011)

International Mathematics Research Notices 2011 (15): 3426-3470 (2011)

Advances in Mathematics 224 (6): 2544-2582 (2010)

Algebraic & Geometric Topology 10: 1417-1436 (2010)

Journal of Topology 1 (4): 963-992 (2008)

Mathematical Research Letters 15 (2): 273-287 (2008)

Algebraic & Geometric Topology 7: 701-735 (2007)

Journal of Algebra 297: 438-452 (2006)

Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science AB: 179-194 (2003)