
Professor Heather Cox Richardson

In 2020, our very own BC professor, Heather Richardson, published How the South Won the Civil War. It was #1 in Political History on Amazon and was named one of the Washington Post's 50 Notable Works of Nonfiction. Grab a copy online or in various bookstores across the country!

In March 2022, Professor Richardson interviewed President Joe Biden about his thoughts on American democracy in the 21st Century. View her interview here!

Professor Richardson also writes about political events every day. Subscribe to her award winning newsletter, "Letters From an American" on her website here!

Professor Guy Beiner

Professor Guy Beiner is the Sullivan Chair in Irish Studies here at BC. In February 2022, he published his book, Pandemic Re-awakenings: The Forgotten and Unforgotten 'Spanish' Flu of 1918-1919. Grab a copy of the book here!

On April 30, 2022, the History Club of BC is excited to host the Inaugural Boston College Undergraduate History Conference. This conference will featured undergraduate abstracts written in response to Pandemic Re-awakenings.

Professor Sylvia Sellers-Garcia

Recently, Professor Sylvia Sellers-Garcia's book, The Woman on the Windowsill, received the Bolton-Johnson Prize for 2022 by the Conference on Latin American History! Professor Sellers-Garcia was awarded this prize at the American Historical Association conference in New Orleans. You can buy a copy of the book here!

Professor Sellers-Garcia was also recently interviewed about her book on NBN (New Books Network), and you can listen to that episode here!