Explore the concentrations

New concentration videos in 2023: Learn about the concentrations from Carroll School students!

Accounting || Accounting for Finance & Consulting || Business Analytics ||  Entrepreneurship || Finance || Information Systems || Management & Leadership || Marketing || Operations Management

One of the big questions we hear in advising appointments all the time is "What should my concentration be?"  It is a difficult decision to make so check out the resources below to learn more about each area.

The first step in deciding on a concentration is to take the management core classes.   If you are eager to learn more about the topics in the core classes, watch these videos where faculty give an overview on each core class: Financial Accounting, Business Law, Coding for Business, Fundamentals of Finance, Marketing Principles, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior, and Strategic Management.

Next, scroll down and for each concentration, you can link to the department's website to read about the specific requirements.  For many of the concentrations, we feature a video put together by students about each concentration and a link to "Career Pathways" created by our career advising team.

Concentration FAQs

How many concentrations can I have?

Carroll School students must have one concentration and no more than two.

What is a co-concentration?

A co-concentration is a concentration that must be paired with another concentration.  Entrepreneurship is the only co-concentration.

How do I declare a concentration?

You can now complete this online form to declare a concentration: tinyurl.com/csomdeclare. It may take a few days to process. 

How do I declare a major or minor outside of CSOM?

You will need to contact the department of the major or minor you wish to declare.  A link to them can be found here.

How do I meet with an advisor?

You can meet with a staff advisor through our drop-in hours or by appointment. The Peer Advisors are also a great resource when it comes to discussing concentrations. You can find out their drop-in schedule here.