For Students

Note to Students:

This course is a transition from student to professional life. You are not only a BC student, but also will be a part of, and will represent, your practicum site. As such, you will be expected to meet standards of conduct in such aspects such as dress, language, ethics, accountability, and work quality. It is important to set the highest possible standards for how you perform in your professional life. In the professional world, getting by with the minimum simply is not enough. You should set high standards and plan to aim beyond the minimum requirements. This is not to say that you are expected to know everything. Asking questions and taking appropriate initiative can help you find your way in your practicum. Some good advice to remember throughout your practicum experience is to “be honest with yourself and with others” and to “do your best” (Baird, 2014). Some additional guidelines are:

  1. When in doubt, ask for help! Your practicum advisor and site supervisor can assist you in providing information and determining solutions and appropriate ways to respond.
  2. Be punctual and responsible. The site supervisor is relying on you to be committed and dependable during your practicum experience. Call if you anticipate lateness or absence.
  3. Respect the privacy of all clients. You may have access to confidential information including organizational files, projects, and even personal stories. If you are not sure if information is to be treated as confidential, ask!
  4. Take responsibility. You should clearly understand all the requirements of your practicum experience and think about any risks involved. If you will be driving, make sure you have a valid license and liability insurance. Be aware that practicum sites may require certain insurance coverage for volunteers.
  5. Abide by the BC Student Conduct Code regarding academic integrity, sexual harassment, and other regulations (

The practicum experience can be very rewarding as students learn to work effectively as a contributing member of a work group or team and recognize the relevance and importance of psychology concepts and theories in practice. Students have the opportunity to gain valuable experience for continued education or employment and will likely experience a sense of accomplishment when contributing to a community organization and its mission.

Cover Letter Resources

Cover Letter Handout_Coaching_7.17.pdf

Cover Letter Factsheet

Cover letter worksheet.pdf

Cover Letter Worksheet

Make Your Cover Letter Count.pdf

Cover Letter Preparation

Resume Resources

Resume Handout_Coaching_7.17.pdf

Resume Factsheet

Resume Handout - Accomplishments, Active verbs (5).pdf

Resume Tips and Tricks

Resume Workshop.pdf

Resume Preparation

Interviewing and Job Search Resources

Exploratory Career Conversations Handout_Coaching_7.17.pdf

Exploratory Career Conversations

Job and Internship Strategies Worksheet_Updated August 2018.pdf

Job and Internship Strategies

Interviewing Worksheet_Updated August 2018.pdf


All materials reproduced with permission from the Boston College Career Center. For more information, visit