Committee on Race and Ethnicity

The STM Committee on Race and Ethnicity (CORE) is a standing committee of STM faculty, administrative staff, and students. As an advisory committee to the STM dean, it seeks to advance and sustain the STM’s commitment to racial justice and diversity in the academic, spiritual, personal, and pastoral dimensions of STM formation. 

CORE Membership 2023-2024

STM Staff Representatives

Jacqueline Regan, CORE Chair and Associate Dean, Student Affairs and Career Services 

"The work of the CORE and the STM community response has been a source of renewal and grace these past three years. I look forward to working with the CORE in 2023-2024 as we keep formation for racial justice at the center of our mission to form theologians and ministers for today's church and world. Our commitment to cultivating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community is rooted in our faith in God, who has made us all in the divine image, and whose love for the diversity of creation knows no bounds." -Jacqueline Regan, Associate Dean 

Karen Smith, Academic Service Specialist 

"As a primarily administrative staff member, being on the CORE has connected me to the mission of the STM in new and challenging ways. 'Preparing students for leadership in lay and ordained ministries...' isn't only about academic and pastoral formation; it can also involve modeling a prophetic ministry of administration. The deep interactions with students, staff, and faculty on this committee have helped me to orient my energy towards finding ways to make the systems and processes of the STM welcoming and accessible for all of our students." -Karen Smith, Academic Service Specialist

Anthony Russo, Associate Dean, Graduate Enrollment Management 

"I am looking forward to returning to CORE for a second year. At the STM, we seek to represent a microcosm of the national and global church, which is an important goal. As we work toward this goal, particularly in terms of increasing U.S.-based racial diversity, it's important that schoolwide culture on matters of racial justice are examined comprehensively to best ensure students' capacity to thrive." -Anthony Russo, Associate Dean 

STM Student Representatives 

Brenda Noriega, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Theology and Education Candidate

"One of the goals and commitments of the Formation for Racial Justice Strategic Plan is to diversify voices across syllabi. Thus, as a Latina minister and academic, I look forward, in the spirit of fraternity, to reflecting and advocating for holistic formation that will prepare us to serve an increasingly diverse U.S. Church, especially since approximately 60 percent of the entire Catholic population in the United States 18 and younger is Hispanic-Latin@/Latinex." -Brenda Noriega

Gandaf Walle, S.J., Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) Candidate

"This unique opportunity to serve on the CORE, for which I am grateful, is a missionary call to be positive, optimistic, and proactive, working alongside students and staff for a discerned diversity, equity, justice, and inclusion at the STM. I firmly believe that I have to be part of the solution by becoming the change I want to see in my environment." -Gandaf Walle, S.J.

Joe Penny, Master of Arts in Theology and Ministry (M.A.T.M.) Candidate

"I look forward to journeying with my fellow students and members of the faculty and staff this year as we discern the movements of the Holy Spirit at work in our community. It is a gift to have the opportunity to facilitate embodied experiences of radical joy, inclusion, and transformation, and I pray that God may continue to guide us as we navigate this earthly pilgrimage. May we one day find a home in one another." -Joe Penny 

STM Faculty Representatives 

Angela Kim Harkins, Professor of the New Testament / Professor Ordinaria

"I am really looking forward to the CORE work that lies ahead. It is an exciting time to be a part of the STM!" -Angela Kim Harkins, Ph.D.

Vicente Chong, S.J., Visiting Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology

"I believe that unity in diversity is something good and divine. Thus, I am looking forward to serving on the Committee on Race and Ethnicity to reflect on the reality of racial diversity, to foster a sense of belonging in our STM community, and to promote social justice in our society." -Vicente Chong, S.J.

O. Ernesto Valiente, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology 

Michael C. McCarthy, S.J., Dean of the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry 

"I am extremely grateful to the STM Committee on Race and Ethnicity for keeping such important questions for the future of the Church and the world in the consciousness of the whole STM community. I very much look forward to the coming year as we advance against our strategic goals as well as explore other areas where we need to grow together." -Dean Michael C. McCarthy, S.J.