Music Boosters

The Berlin Music Boosters are the driving force behind many opportunities offered to our choir students.  Support is provided through transportation, supplies, music, student workshops, and festival expenses. Through diligent fundraising the boosters are also able to facilitate once in a lifetime performance/travel opportunities for the students at Berlin. 

Music Booster Officers: 

Email:     Phone: (814)521-5911

Facebook: Berlin Choral Boosters


Meetings: 4th Monday of every month, 6:30p, HS Auditorium.  All parents are welcome at meetings!  (If a meeting needs to be canceled it will be posted on our Facebook page.)


Our secretary is wonderful at sending information by email.  Please send us your email if we don’t already have it.


Fundraising: We try to limit fundraising so parents are not always hit with selling items.  If well participated in, we usually have one boosters’ fundraiser (Music & Meatballs/Poinsettia Sale) and one fundraiser to earn individual choral credits (Little Caesar’s).  As an incorporated, non-profit group students can earn ‘choral credits’ to use for trips and other Berlin choral related activities, but not dollars.  Each choral student will have the opportunity to participate in a trip to Disney & a trip to NY in 9th-12th grade.  The trips are scheduled in a way that students have plenty of time to earn credits to help with the trips.  Individual fundraising is totally optional, but the costs of the trips are 100% the responsibility of the student if they have no credits.  Following is information on fundraising from our by-laws.  


There are 2 easy ways to earn money for your student’s choral program.  Ticket Taking: We have 3 dates in the fall and 3 dates in the winter, where we can take tickets at a sporting event and earn money.  Also, we have a smile account thru Amazon.  All you do is sign up one time when logged into Amazon.  Then every time you shop they donate to us.  It does not change the price of any item and is easy to do.  Please use the following link to sign up.


Save the Date:  The Band, Chorus, & Musical Banquet is always the 3rd Mon. in May.