All-East Email

Junior Clinic Auditions


If you are receiving this email, you are signed up to participate in the Junior Clinic Lower Area Auditions! This email will give you and your student all of the information you will need for the Lower Area Junior Clinic Auditions this Saturday, November 20th!

What is this?

Lower area clinic is an honor band for 7th-9th graders in the Lower-East area of TN. Students audition for a spot in the honor band. If are chosen to be a part of the honor band, they attend a clinic where they are able to play wonderful music with some of the best junior high players in East, TN!

Even if students do not feel as prepared as they would like, going to an audition process like this is so beneficial and I know will help them musically in the future.


If you are receiving this email, your student has signed up for an audition time. You will find the the audition times attached to this email*.

Audition Date: November 20th.

Audition Place: Ocoee Middle School

*Students will need to arrive 45 minutes to an hour BEFORE their scheduled audition time. This will give them time to get their instrument out, warm up, and prepare for their audition.


Transportation: Parents are responsible for taking students to the audition at Ocoee Middle School. If there is no way to get your child to the audition, please let me know and I will work on an alternate plan.

Dress: There is no formal uniform for these auditions. Students do need to “dress up” a little bit, but auditions will be blind, so no specific uniform necessary. Please do NOT wear any Boyd Buchanan School attire.

Music: Students have the sheet music that they will be performing at the audition. Students will also need to play the scales given to them. The scales need to be memorized, but the lower area clinic music does not need to be memorized.

Times: Students will receive a specific time that they will be auditioning at as soon as I receive them from ETSBOA.

Extra Help: I truly believe that each student auditioning has a very good chance at making it into the clinic if they put in the hard work now.

I want to help students succeed in any way possible. I am attaching a google sign-up sheet to this email. I highly suggest each student trying out for Junior Area Clinic meet with me at least two times over the next couple of weeks so that I can help them with their scales and music.

Please sign up here for a lesson time:

I will send out audition times as soon as I receive them. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Thank you,

Ms. Smith