Ms. Keane and Mrs. Kelleher

First Grade

Boylston Elementary School

At-Home Learning

RazKids is a site where the children can read books that are "just-right" for them. Students earn stars and can also build an avatar. The link is . Your child needs to click on his/her first name and the password is their last name.

Epic! is another reading site with plenty of fiction and nonfiction book choices for children to read. The link is . Your child needs to click on students and enter the class code: knp6356 for Ms. Keane's class and 2kpwxa for Mrs. Kelleher's class. Then, he/she needs to click on his/her first name.

Freckle is a site that has children practice English-Language Arts and math skills. The link is , The class code for Ms. Keane's class is Q433R7 and the class code for Mrs. Kelleher's class is BKMC6K. There are placement tests when your child first signs on to ensure that the skills presented are at the level of your child.

Mystery Science offers engaging science videos and activities for students. The link is and you just need to click on first grade and then choose a lesson.

Scholastic offers free Learn At Home lessons which include daily books and activities for children. The link is . Your child just needs to click on the week and then the day to begin.

Below are the list of journal topic ideas which should give your child enough ideas for journal writing for several weeks. Remember, students should be writing six sentences with an illustration each day for five days per week.

Journal Topics 3/23/20

Specialists' Links:

Technology, Music, Physical Education, Art and Library

Specialists' Link:

Ms. Peterson: Technology

Ms. Thompson: Music

Mrs. Bowen: Physical Education

Mrs. Kuppens: Art

Mrs. Sullivan: Library