Art with

Mr. K.


Because we don't get to spend time together in the art room this year, I made a website as a way to see and share art. I will post cool artwork and artists I'm interested in as well as some of the art I'm working on.

New Artist I'm into!

Look at some of the amazing art by Zaria Forman!

She uses pastels to create realistic drawings!

Check out these awesome videos from an artist called Luker! They make giant inflatable installations!!

"Tentacles in Old Navy Yard"

"Wave your arms in the air like you just don't care"

Below are some more Luker inflatable installations around the world! What do you believe they want people to think and feel when they see their art?

Sketches and Drawings.

Anyone who know Mr. K. knows how much I love superheroes. Check out this drawing I made of Hawkeye from the Avengers!

More To Come...

In case you missed this how to draw video!

In case you missed this how to draw video!

In case you missed this how to draw video!