History Mission Statement:

Our mission is to look at our past, analyze the present, and work towards a better future, using history to guide our actions and words while becoming a person of Character, demonstrating Compassion, and building Community in our school and beyond.

What will be learning this year?

This year we will year experience U.S. History from the first Americans through Reconstruction after the Civil War. More specifically, we will look at the events that led to our nation’s independence. We will analyze what our founding fathers said in the Constitution of the United States and apply it to our daily life. This year we will take a look at history through the eyes of Native and African Americans as well as the traditional European American perspective. As the year progresses, we will follow the growth of our nation from baby steps to the westward expansion. Eventually, we will analyze the consequences of slavery leading up to the Civil War where the strength of our country was tested. Finally, we will look at the reconstruction of the U.S. after the Civil War as our country attempted to piece together of a divided country.

Education Goals

The goal of history is not to cram for an exam in May, but instead to build life-long learners that think about where we came from and where we are going. You will constantly hear from me that history isn’t about dates, but instead the cause and effect relationships that each event has with the other. Discussions and open communication of different viewpoints is essential in helping us reach this goal. As we move throughout the year we will occasionally review important vocabulary, class material, and test-taking and reading strategies. We will review topics taught the previous 2 years so that you can see how this year builds off of 6th and 7th grade material.


There will be assignments outside of class. Many assignments given outside of class are longer term where you will have a few days or weeks to complete. You will also get a list of Newsela Articles at the beginning of the week, when you are supposed to read them, and the activity associated with them. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOU KEEP UP WITH THEM


-pen/pencil and highlighter

-CHARGED Chromebook

-notebook paper (every day)



Be Polite

Be Positive

Be Prompt

Be Prepared


Consequences (depending on incident)

1. Verbal Warning

2. Office detention

3. Office detention and call home

Washington, D.C. Trip

The highlight for many 8th graders here at BBHMS in the Washington D. C. Trip which will take place from May 12th-15th. Keep in mind that this trip is a privilege. We will be gone for 4 school days. This is a school trip and not a vacation. There are many rules that we must follow in order to make it enjoyable for everyone. If you are unable to follow school rules then D.C. can be taken away.

Grading Policies

You are responsible for copying all assignments down in your assignment notebook every day. They can also be found on Progress Book. Formative Grades (20% of your grade) will be given for work that builds skills and provides practice. These assignments include section quizzes, group assignments, and in class assignments. Section Quizzes can be retaken, but you must wait one day to do so.Summative Grades (80% of your grade) will be given for work that is intended to show mastery of the subject material. For homework assignments, you will receive a 2 (completed), 1 (partial), or 0 (not completed). Big projects will lose a letter grade for every day that it is late. If you miss an assignment it is your responsibility to see me before or after class to get what you need to complete it. I will not chase you.If you are absent then you will then have 1 day for every day absent. Work done in class before the bell will not receive full credit. EXTRA CREDIT WILL NOT BE OFFERED.

Formative Assignments include- Section quizzes, Group Projects, and Independent Classwork

Summative Assignments may include – Unit Quizzes, Special Projects, and you Washington, D.C. Scrapbook.

Grading Scale

A 100-92 C 76.3-73

A- 91-90 C- 72.9-70

B+ 89.9-87 D+ 69.9-67

B 86.9-83 D 66.9-64

B- 82.9-80 D- 63.9-60

C+ 79.9-77 F 59 or lower

Cheating Policy

-cheating on homework = both students get a zero and team detention (building service project)

-cheating on test

1st offense- 60%, can’t make it up, I call home

2nd offense- 60% can’t make it up, sent to office for discipline, office calls home

3rd offense- sent to office

History Assessment Retake and Late Work Policy

In order for students to have the best opportunity to succeed, all students have the ability to revise or redo most formative assignments. The following guidelines will be enforced in order for a student to be allowed to revise or redo an assignment. Any of the guidelines may be adjusted at the discretion of the content teacher.

  • Student must get the retake/redo inside my classroom at teacher designated times.
  • Retakes on formatives may not be taken the same day.
  • If deemed necessary, the student must complete appropriate additional assignment given by teacher during extra help session.
  • Once the summative assessment is given for that unit, students may not retake or submit late formative assignments (unless absent and approved by Mr. McNamara).
  • Students will have 2 weeks in which a summative may be taken. If absent it is the student's responsibility of arranging a time to make it up.

Assistance Availability

My availability planning periods/lunch periods are 2nd, 5th, and E.I. Please e-mail me or let me know ahead of time if you plan on coming in so arrangements can be made. Please know that there during these times I may be meeting with other teachers or have prior obligations.