2019-2020 bbhms robotics team
Students AND Parents: Sign up for our remind by texting @bbhmsro to 81010
The BBHMS Robotics Team will consist of approximately 5 student-led teams of BBHMS 7th and 8th grade students that will brainstorm, design, build, and modify a VEX EDR Robot to compete against other schools’ robots in at least 4 full day competitions a year. We will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 4:30 (subject to change, read emails & Reminds.) As we get closer to competition we may have more time after school to work.
The VEX Robotics Competition, presented by the Robotics Education & Competition Foundation, is the largest and fastest growing middle school and high school robotics program globally with more than 18,000 teams from 40 countries playing in over 1,350 competitions worldwide. Each year, an exciting engineering challenge is presented in the form of a game. Students, with guidance from their teachers and mentors, build innovative robots and compete year-round.
Casey Kowatch
Mrs. Cathy Roderick
BBH Middle School Robotics Team Expectations:
- Be kind and respectful to teammates and coaches
- Be careful & respectful with all VEX materials and classroom
- Clean up your mess!
- LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN & follow directions
- Pay attention to your phone/email for messages from remind!
- Be QUIETER! Talk to your teammates at your table! Don’t yell!
- We are a TEAM - everyone has ROLES, but we are all a part of the TEAM!
At matches:
- Drivers practice
- EVERYONE trouble shoot any issues with the bot (loose parts, program not working, batteries charged up…)
- Everyone, but especially if you are not the driver at a specific meet:
1) Go meet the teams we are paired up with in the qualifying matches. Tell them what your bot does, find out if they have autonomous and if it goes from the left or right, strategize for each qualifying match. WRITE DOWN strategy!
2) Talk with teams- get to know them & be FRIENDLY! SELL your team & your bot & everything it does! You want to be picked for the finals!! Also see who is good to PICK! Keep this written on a notepad
3) Look at other bots, other designs. Get ideas!
4. After matches think of what you could have done better to improve for your next match