Special Services


Naviance is a comprehensive system for students and families to use to make plans about colleges and careers. The guidance office uses Naviance to track and analyze data about college and career plans by providing up-to-date information that’s specific to our school. Naviance is also the mechanism by which we share information with students and families about upcoming meetings and events, local scholarship and volunteer opportunities, and other resources for college and career information.

Family Connection within Naviance allows our students to:

  • Get involved in the planning and advising process – Build a resume, complete online surveys, and manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges and careers.

  • Research colleges – Compare GPA, standardized test scores, and other statistics to actual historical data from our school for students who have applied and been admitted in the past.

  • Research careers – Research hundreds of careers and career clusters, and take career assessments.

  • Create plans for the future – Create goals and to-dos, and complete tasks assigned by the school to better prepare your student for future college and career goals.


Within each department or subject area, you will find a Program of Study listed. The Program of Study is designed to provide a “road map” for the student. It shows how a student can meet Ohio high school graduation requirements and still take elective courses in a career area of interest. Each Program of Study shows grades 9-12 course requirements and electives, related organization/activities suggestions, and postsecondary options ranging from entry-level career options to two or four-year degree options.


The mission of the Media Center is to ensure that students and staff members are effective users of information and technology. This mission is accomplished by providing access to materials in all formats, by providing instruction to foster competence and stimulate interest in reading, viewing, and using information and ideas, and by collaborating with the educational staff to design learning strategies to meet the needs of the individual students. Access to the Media Center web page at http://www.bbhcsd.org/high/media is a gateway to linking all of the media resources. Home use passwords and specific web addresses are available on a reference sheet that is available in the media center. Additionally, the media center circulates a variety of audiovisual and technology equipment to both students and staff. A professional library media specialist and support staff are available to students and staff each day.


A registered nurse and nurse aide are available at the high school. The school nurse and aide work closely with parents, school personnel, students, doctors, and other members of the community. Each school year students must submit emergency medical authorizations. This information is entered by parents/guardians in an online format where the information can be linked to siblings. These must be updated when there is a change of address, phone number, or physician information. First aid and emergency care are provided for the students during the school day. The school nurse does not dispense any medications, except when necessary in accordance with the Board of Education policy on school personnel administering drugs prescribed by physicians.